A CBSE Affiliated Senior Secondary School

Affiliation No - 1530418, Nursery - XII (All Streams)

Science, Humanities and Commerce


A CBSE Affiliated Senior Secondary School

Affiliation No - 1530418, Nursery - XII (All Streams)

Science, Humanities and Commerce


KT GLOBAL SCHOOL envisions holistic education, and it asserts to build a fundamental change in young minds to equip them to lead their life with confidence and skill. The serene and peaceful climate of Barunei is rejuvenating and provides a surreal level of positivity among students. It is truly pastoral.

5:00 AM

Wake Up

We have separate Halls of Residence for boys and girls that operate meticulously. A day starts at 5:00 AM, and the students will indulge in yoga, meditation, simple exercises, etc. Pretty sure that they will get a nice warm-up under the supervision of Hostel Wardens.

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

Breakfast & Morning Assembly

By 7:30 AM, they are ready for breakfast in the dining hall, and the house tutors will escort them towards the academic meeting point, where they will have their morning assembly at 8:00 AM. It comprises general awareness and talks regarding science, arts, and humanities by experts and students.

    8.30 AM

    Classes Time

    By 8:30 AM, the classes will commence. The curated curriculum explores the academic and competitive realms and it covers up to 4:00 PM.

class time

8.30 AM

Classes Time

    12.35 PM - 1.05 PM

    Lunch Time

    At 12:35 PM, the students have their lunch break. They head towards the canteen where they are served with fresh and hot food.

class time

12.35 PM - 1.05 PM

Lunch Time

    4.00 PM - 6.00 PM

    Recreational Activities

    4:00 PM to 6:00 PM is reserved for recreational activities in collaboration with our Sports Academy.

class time

4.00 PM - 6.00 PM

Recreational Activities

6.00PM - 6.30 PM

Evening Snacks & House Tutor

After an evening warm-up, from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM, they will have their diet-balanced evening snacks. Their supervised study time starts at 6:30 PM when their house tutors will supplement them with additional details connected to their subjects of expertise.

8.30PM - 10.30PM

Dinner Time & Hand in Electronics’ time

By 8:30 PM, their dinner is ready at the dining hall. After their dinner, the students can contact their parents with the permission of the Hostel Wardens. Every student will be provided with ‘Hand in Electronics’ time, till 9:30 PM. After that, they can revise their school work or work on their projects, and their lights-out time is at 10:30 PM.

Quick Steps

Admission Enquiry